Welcome to Minor Missions

Sustainability PSAs created by and for our youth

This free course will introduce you to the concept of Minor Missions and help you decide which sustainability topic you're interested in! After completing this course, sign up for the course related to your topic, and we'll get started! After completing the course related to your topic, you will return to this site to complete your mission.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Intro to Minor Missions

    • Before We Get Started - Release Form

    • Intro Video

    • Survey

    • Minor Missions Discussion and Notice Board

  • 2

    Understanding Sustainability

    • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

    • SustainableScoop Videos

    • Post-Videos

  • 3

    Meet Your Mentor!

    • Your Mentor

  • 4

    Planning Your Presentation

    • Discuss With Other Students

    • Research

    • Minor Missions Plan

  • 5

    Creating Your Presentation

    • Designing an Infographic

    • Creating an Impactful Presentation

    • Designing Your Set

    • Scheduling Your Presentation

    • Almost There!

  • 6


    • Well Done!